Centre for Women's and Gender Research
SKOK's 25th anniversary symposium

Symposium: Gender research in troubled times

What is the status for gender, sexuality and diversity research today? Where should we head in the future?

A rainbow reflected in water - the text SKOK is 25! and Join the celebration 26 and 27 May 2025 on pink and blue backgrounds

Main content

We find ourselves in troubled times. Right-wing political pressure and strong anti-gender sentiments threaten diversity, equality and inclusion policies and democracy alike; there is a pushback on LGB, queer, trans and women's rights and increased animosity against migrants, and we are facing escalating economic differences, privatization of common goods, neo-imperialism, land- and sea grab, climate change, huge technological shifts, wars and militarization.

In connection with SKOK’s 25th anniversary in 2025, we have invited some of our most exciting national and international collaborators through the years to address various aspects of our present and future predicaments at our symposium: Gender research in troubled times (09:00-16:40). After the symposium, we'll have a reception where everyone's welcome.

The event is free and open for all, but since we will be serving food, registration is required:

-> Register here by 14 May 2025

Symposium programme

09:00-09:30Doors open - coffee, tea, refreshments
09:30-09:40Welcome by Kari Jegerstedt, Head of Centre at SKOK
09:40-10:00Greeting from Camilla Brautaset, Dean at the Faculty of Humanities
10:00-10.30Svati Shah, associate professor at UMass and guest researcher at UiB: Queer and Trans Radicalism in Authoritarian Times: Lessons in Resistance from Autonomous Feminism in India
10:45-11:15Phoebe Kisubi Mbasalaki, lecturer at the University of Essex: Building coalitions across structural borders as a form of radical intimacy and kinship
11:30-12:00Jill Halstead, Professor at the Grieg Academy, UiB: The feminist ear and the art of deep listening: audibility, resistance, and hope in the polycrisis
12:15-13:00Panel conversation with early career researchers: PhD candidate Sunniva Árja Tobiasen and postdoctoral fellow Riikka Prattes, SKOK. Moderator: Randi Gressgård
13:45-14:15Rose Trappes, postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT), UiB: Mainstreaming feminist philosophy of science: Time to celebrate?
14:15:14:45Redi Koobak, Chancellor's fellow at the University of Strathclyde: How to tell your story as the story of my feminism: Notes towards cross-border solidarities
15:00-15:30Marianne Hafnor Bøe, Professor at the University of Stavanger: Why gender remains key for researching religion in new and unprecedented times

Panel conversation with previous Heads of Centre at SKOK:

Moderator: Siri Gloppen, Dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Chair of SKOK's board.

16:30-16:40Closing address by Kari Jegerstedt


After the end of the symposium programme, there will be a reception in Nordre Allmenning in Nygårdsgaten 5 (outside of Storsalen) with drinks, food and entertainment. More information to come.